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Report on Cleanliness Drive

Report on Special Drive under Waste Management held at VP St Cruz Tiswadi- Goa

With Reference to letter no. DPSE/III/ABSG/ GWMC- Drive/444/2023/2063
Dated 21/11/2023 a special cleaness drive was held on 25th November, 2023
at Holy Cross Church area and near Shaha Building, V.P. St. Cruz,Tiswadi in
the Presence of Sarpanch, Dy. Sarpanch, Punch Members, Secretary, Office
Staff, Swayampurna Mitra for VP St. Cruz and in cooperation with Students &
Teachers of St. Cruz High School. All the collected waste has been
transported towards Garbage Management (MRF) Plant at VP St Panchayat for
further process.
Normally Panchayat had given two buckets to every house in the village for wet
and dry garbage and had also given contract to collect door to door wet and dry
garbage. Wet garbage is transported to Saligao Plant, Goa and whereas dry
waste is Segregated at MRF Plant and recycling with bailing machine and
transported to M/s Bharta Sales Corporation, Karnataka by Goa Government

Report on Cleanliness Drive

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